Yeah, I blame Hobbie...

Article by Polson

Yeah, this is late. Really late. That is entirely Hobbie's fault.

Actually it's completely my fault. I won't go into details, but my life for the beginning of this year has been nuts, and I mean that in the mental health sort of way. I know many of you have suspected insanity, but I'd just like to come on out and confirm it; Iain is insane.

Anyhoo, here's this issues's scoop: It's short! That's right! Short. Why? Because we're going to come out with a second issue right lickity split (I haven't told the team yet - surprise!) in honor of the coming new Star Trek film! And here's the best part: anyone can contribute!

The rules: sky's the limit whereas your article is concerned, it can be a mock interview with Kirk, it can be a character bio, it can be a history of the Enterprise, whatever, but it has to be centered on Star Trek: TOS or the coming movie. We'll be releasing early (or late depending on your point of view) about one week from the movie release. So start sending in your submissions to me! Or the Blue Report email, that's acceptable as well but I am currently too lazy to look up our email address and html it in, not when I've got that one there on file for cutting and pasting purposes.

A Really Rear Admiral


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