Diablo III Necromancer

Article by Tyler 'Brent' Shadow

If you played Diablo II, you know exactly what I’m talking about. The necro was arguably the most fun class to play in Diablo II. Swarms of minions wrecking everything in your path. Pwning everything on the highest difficulty all day without breaking a sweat. Then when our overlords Blizzard announced Diablo III you were stoked that you… WHAT? The Necromancer isn’t going to be a class?! HOW COULD YOU!? I’LL NEVER PLAY A BLIZZARD GAME AGAIN *boots up WoW*

Well, if you’ve not been paying attention to D3, then your time is now! The Necromancer is available to play for a cool $15 and it is so worth it.

I will start off by saying that it isn’t quite the swarm class that it was in D2. You can get pretty swarmy if you’re good at managing resources and timers, but not like the classic.

Now to the good part. Yes you can still have minions and they wreck face. Get some sweet set bonuses and you really don’t have to do much except keep Essence up to summon more minions! One of the other most fun things about the class is Corpse Explosion. When an enemy dies, it leaves behind a corpse that you can explode to kill more enemies, who leave behind more corpses that you can explode to kill more enemies! As long as the enemies keep coming, it’s an endless corpse explosion party! With the right gear and stats, this can do huge damage to even the most difficult of bosses. And, if you’re lacking in corpses, with the right talent selection, you can have your flesh golem turn itself into 8 or so corpses every 45 seconds! Very handy.

As you progress through the Torment levels, it starts to become very apparent that you’re a spellcaster. Squishy things don’t like T10 and above, in my experience so far. I can solo comfortably on T8, and well enough on T9 and T10. Above that you really have to pay attention, which I don’t always want to do. If you’re in group with a Crusader or Barbarian, though. MAN is that fun. With someone to take the brunt of melee stuff, it makes your job a lot easier to just send minions in and wreck everything.

I don’t want to give everything away, but if you’ve considered purchasing the Necromancer pack, or if you never pulled the trigger on purchasing D3 at all, I would highly recommend it. This game is great, the story is great, multiplayer and Adventure mode are great.

Also, if you’re already playing D3, drop me a note and let me know if you agree or disagree!

Overall D3 is great and the Necro is great fun to play. Get it. You’ll love it.


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