Member Spotlight

Article by McGrath

Spotlight on CL6 Shadow Jedi (a.k.a. Tyler Chittick)

     Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I was born in Southern California, grew up here all the way through high school. After graduation I moved down south for a couple of years. Afterwards I moved back to California. I also have spent a little time living in Montana. I have a cat; her name is Captain Hook. I brought her back from Georgia with me when I left. We have almost 11 years together. I like beer and I’m snooty about it. I lead an IT Help Desk, which means I work way too many hours, but I love it.

     What are your hobbies and interests away from OTF?

I enjoy learning about computer topics. I like building computers, both for myself and others. I enjoy a good challenge of building on a budget. I enjoy flying airplanes, when my pocketbook allows me. I love video games; you can read some of my reviews in this fine publication. I very much enjoy riding motorcycles, both on the road and off. The off-road thing is a bit new to me, but it’s character building. I also enjoy shooting when I can get out to the range. I also play bass in a band! (shameless plug) I also like learning how to be a web developer. I’m fairly new at it, but really enjoy it.


     What is your greatest achievement and how has it shaped you?

I would say pursuing music. I have gotten a lot of joy and fond memories over the years of being a musician. From picking up my first trumpet in 3rd grade, to playing bass today, it has been a wild ride. This has led to some lasting friendships, as well as some recorded music that has allowed me to make (a little bit of) money. To me there is nothing quite like getting up on stage and playing music, whether it’s for 2 people or 200.


     What was your dream job growing up?


My dream job was to be an astronaut. I think that’s why I got into Star Wars. I even spent a year studying Aerospace Engineering. I went to Space Camp like 4 times. I still love all aspects of space and astronomy. It’s difficult in California, but I’m hoping to get into astrophotography. It’s just fascinating. I signed up with that one company a few years ago to go to Mars. If offered a spot in the astronaut corps, I would take it without hesitation. I guess that’s why I spend so much time in a space station.


     What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

Pack up my life and move across the country. I did it for the wrong reasons, but I learned a lot of life lessons from it and I came back a better person.


     What would be your 'perfect' day?

Sleep in, wake up on my own spaceship, and just sail through the stars.


     If you could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would it be and why?

I would love to hear the stories from the Apollo 11 team. I mean, I’ve seen interviews and read articles, but I think it would be just incredible to hear it straight from them, hear their sense of wonder and awe at launching off the earth on a controlled bomb, to being the first humans ever to walk on an extraterrestrial body, to plummeting back down to terra firma, not really knowing if you were going to make it until the boat picked you up.


     If you could live in a book, TV show or movie, what would it be and why?

Oh man, that’s a good one. Kind of a cop out answer, I know, but Star Wars during the New Republic era. A (more) peaceful time where I could have my own ship and go around and do whatever. Somewhat like Firefly, as a matter of fact. I’d also love to serve on the Serenity with its crew of misfits and adventurers.


     If you could use technology to do one thing, what would it be?

Fly. Like, in the open air. No jetpack, no airplane, just me and myself flying.


And finally...


     What are your OTF memorable moments?

I’ve made some friends here at OTF that I think I will have for many years to come. That’s what’s so memorable about OTF for me: the sense of community. The way we greet someone we haven’t seen in years; how we go on after years like no time has passed at all. It’s wonderful. I hope for the opportunity in the future to meet many more OTFers.


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