Cont. Tachyon
Agent: What planet do you think OTF orbits?
Suspect: I thought it orbits a wormhole in the Barzan Sector?
Agent: Describe OTF as a real place in your words (or
what it would be like).
Suspect: Seems like it'd be a coffee house, lots of windows,
lots of corners, sometimes loud, sometimes quiet.
Agent: What celebrity/famous family should you belong
Suspect: The Gateses' family? I dunno, maybe them or someone
related to John Chambers. :D
Agent: What Sci-Fi technology do you wish you had?
Suspect: Transporter
Agent: Be your own Betazoid Gift Box: couple up two
Suspect: Osiris and Jen. :D
Agent: Which OTF member have you become pretty close
Suspect: Someone I consider my best friend, let's leave it as
Agent: What specific store should be opened up on the
Suspect: The "We ♥ Henri" store.
Agent: What is your favorite piece of Henri
Suspect: Stickers.
Agent: If you were a piece of laundry, what would you
Suspect: Socks, because they just rock?
Agent: What OTF members do you think secretly are your
real parents?
Suspect: Nah, I don't believe any are. I can spot their
humor a mile away. ;)
Agent: What era should you have been born in?
Suspect: The era I was born in, I belong here.
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