Cont. Lindax

Lindax loves graphics, first discovered at the age of three. At the age of five daddy bought a computer, and Linda got more options to get creative. At the age of sixteen she wondered what to do with her life, and decided to turn her hobby into her job. She went threw Multimedia Graphic school, and never had second thoughts of that choice. There’s nothing wrong with turning your hobby into your job. Lindax’s graphic work can be found all over OTF, with some excellent Flash examples.

If she would find some free time then she would love to go on a Long vacation, or do completely nothing, or chat a little. On her free time Lindax now visits pubs, to play dart. RL became busier as she keeps finding new interesting things, and keeps doing old interesting things. She will keep working on OTF things definitely show up in the chat when she can, to check on her OTF family members.

Lindax first started with the Jadzia Dax avatar, and decided to join the Dax family. And the good things about Jadzia are that she is smart, wise, and lovely and way better then Ezri.

The best thing happening to OTF in her eyes is the Betazoid Box, for others a pain. But you’re always sure to get strange situations with that box around. Things changed in OTF, it became bigger, better and more fun. If you ask Lindax, OTF changed in a good way.

Why Lindax keeps making sure we that we all remember the peanut song will stay a secret. Reason is that I barely survived a cl3 attack, and I don’t want to put any one else in that situation.

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