Cont. Katylen Richards

Agent: What planet do you think OTF orbits?
Suspect: Um... the planet of bouncy balls. Boing.

Agent: Describe OTF as a real place in your words (or what it would be like).
Suspect: A.... big.... room.... with stained glass windows.

Agent: What celebrity/famous family should you belong to?
Suspect: Does that count as to "may I marry him"? Er. I don't know. I'm not the famous type. The Olympic family!

Agent: What Sci-Fi technology do you wish you had?
Suspect: Holographic stuffs. That would be pretty cool.

Agent: Be your own Betazoid Gift Box: couple up two
Suspect: Wedge....and....Lobot.....

Agent: Which OTF member have you become pretty close to?
Suspect: P.

Agent: Instead of Captain Picard Day, who would there be a day for in OTF?
Suspect: People Who Have No Lives So Gain Weight While Sitting Around in a Virtual Room Day... wait, that's every day at OTF.

Agent: What specific store should be opened up on the Outpost?
Suspect: Judging by the smell, a Bath & Bodyworks.

Agent: What is your favorite piece of Henri merchandise?
Suspect: Oh gee, the thong is pure genius... I'll play safe and say bumper sticker.

Agent: If you were a piece of laundry, what would you be?
Suspect: A peice? "i" before "e" except after c! I would be a beanie!!

Agent: What OTF members do you think secretly are your real parents?
Suspect: Amanda and Sidne. Really. *ar harr*

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