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Yearbook 2014Part Of Outpost10F.com

1) Favorite Thing about the new SM Job?

I really like being able to oversee several different projects and chart a course for the Department. We'be able to come up with new and inventive ways to share information. I really like working with the team to solve problems and come up with new ideas. I also enjoy seeing people grow on the team taking on new roles.

2) Favorite thing about being on EC?

It's awesome that we are the problem solvers of OTF. I really like coming up with solutions for the challenges presented.

3) Favorite Thing about OTF?

Meeting new people. I've been around a long time and the people are what makes this place special.

4) One thing you'd change about OTF?

I'd tweak the ranks a little bit.

5) One theme you'd love to see added to OTF?

I'm looking forward to seeing what Team Stargate comes up with.

6) Your favorite armory weapon?

Defiantly the photon grenade :)

7) Favorite Movie

Dead Poets Society

8) Favorite Color


9) Favorite Avatar

Mine Personal Avatar, but if I can't use that I go to Archer.

10) Who would you level 2 if you could?

Numbers, over and over. *evil laugh*