Cont. Hydralisk

Agent: What is your favorite Anniversary antic ever?
Suspect: anniversary antic? that comes only once a year! the everyday antics are much more that time the fridge decided to attack, and only the grand armies of toasters and waffle irons could defeat it!

Agent: Best and worst thing about OTF?
Suspect: why, me of course, I am the best and worst thing here =P

Agent: What planet do you think OTF orbits?
Suspect: you just THINK it orbits a planet, it really orbits a big block of cheese.

Agent: Describe OTF as a real place in your words (or what it would be like).
Suspect: a mix of a mental institution, bar, playground, and anti-gravity chamber.

Agent: What celebrity/famous family should you belong to?
Suspect: I am famous. I'm Hydra, a legend in my own mind!

Agent: What Sci-Fi technology do you wish you had?
Suspect:transporters, it would be awesome to just beam anywhere.

Agent: Be your own Betazoid Gift Box: couple up two OTFers.
Suspect: Guinans hat and Lobot

Agent: Which OTF member have you become pretty close to?
Suspect: hard to choose...Katelyn Richards and Brandi would have to be the two I'm closest to, but there's so many people.....

Agent: Instead of Captain Picard Day, who would there be a day for in OTF?
Suspect: well, Hydra day coming up at the end of august =P

Agent: What specific store should be opened up on the Outpost?
Suspect:a jell-o shop, cause you can never have enough jell-o.

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