It has been a long time since the Tribune has been published. It's mostly because of me leaving the Air Force and being in the middle of a move, but also because of the holidays and real life that I had nothing to do with. *LOL* Having said that, a lot of this is spanning back to the Anniversary. I tried to make sure nothing was lost in the time since the last publication until now. Hopefully this issue will bridge the gap like I wanted it to and we can start off the New Year.
First off, we have a new writer debuting in this issue of the Tribune. I think he was the most disappointed by the hold off since he joined right when we went on break. CL4 Damo Lythria has been an awesome addition to the family so far as you will see by his articles. He knows to be silly, but he also knows to be serious. The rest of the family returns with Anth writing a gaming article and Matt stepping in to give us his view on the new generation of Superman. We even get an inside look at one of the Enquirer writers! I had an interesting birthday this year and can't wait to share it with you in my Chief Editorial of the month.