Web Development Guild

Author: CL5 Wraith
Department: The Outpost10f Guilds

Hey Everyone! Oh boy, I'm starting off the same as last time.....but anyways tis Wraith again! and well I’m not in training anymore *eg* or at least that’s what they tell me....

As I told you in the last issue, (for those of you that actually read the Tribune....GO Tribune!) the Web Development Guild is a place to showoff the members, any and all of the members that have anything to do with the web! This means web design and coding pages, graphic design, java, flash, cgi, perl, c++ or just about anything that has to do with the building of web sites.

Me and the Web Development Staff...well me and Zekk my ever faithful assistant, (look there are 2 of us now!) have been whipping up interview questions for all those web development peeps! We will begin to contact those in the Outpost who have shown experience with web development.

We don't know everyone! We just can go from what we've seen or heard so if you feel like you have something to offer to inspire our membership then you can contact us! Got a friend who's got experience? Send ‘em over as well! Senior Managers do you have someone on your department you think we should know about?

The purpose of the WDG is to showcase those in our community that work behind the scenes, build the pages, do the graphics, programming, etc. Haven't you ever wondered who did all that you see here? Well it is your friends that you talk to, the members of the community! We can't do this unless people step forward to get interviewed! So when you are contacted don't be shy *s* let us toot your horn! You can contact us at otf_webdevelopmentguild@hotmail.com

Along with these member interviews and sites we are also working on moving the Guilds website, and putting together links and interviews for well known web development peeps. We are basically starting from scratch so it may still be a while before anything comes into focus but with help we can make this one of the best Guilds ever! This is for you the members and for you to give inspiration and encouragement to others starting out.

Do you have suggestions? What do you want to see? Are there other things you think the Web Development Guild should include? This is the time for suggestions as the Guild is stil being developed! Get in on the ground floor!!

Till next time.....

CL5 Wraith
Web Development Guild Team Leader
