Not your home planet

Author: CL4 Aravis

Destination: Cloud City

Many are familiar with the name Cloud City. Perhaps some are even lucky enough to have seen it in pictures or in person. Cloud City is an engineering triumph, being held up by repulsorlifts. The saucer-shaped city orbits around the planet Bespin (right near Hoth) approximately 60,000 kilometers from Bespins core in the life zone layer of the atmosphere. Cloud City itself is 17 kilometers in height, and 16 kilometers in diameter, and was originally built by Ecclessis Figg and the Bespin Motors Company. Cloud City produces tibanna gas, and because of it's size, remained outside of the mining guild and out of the way of the Empire.

On to the good stuff...Cloud City has casinos and open-air plazas for all to enjoy. It's not really a place for small children, so people looking for a family getaway should look elsewhere. There are a ton of luxery hotels from the first to fiftieth floor of Cloud City, filled with the casinos that make the place famous. Upscale housing is available as well. When Lando Calrissian won control of Cloud City by winning a Sabacc match, he maintained the quiet runnings of the city. The interior is white and chrome, and also has Carbonite Freezing chambers.

These chambers are quite famous as being the place where Darth Vadar captured and froze Han Solo for delivery to Jabba the Hut.

Cloud City is an awesome place for anyone who likes to gamble and have a good time. It's also an amazing structure to marvel at. It's physical beauty captures what it represents. Political freedom, and a place to escape to when you need a break.
