Not your home planet

Author: CL2 I'm Still Remembering

NOT your home planet! - Star Trek

Is that a Horga'hn in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? Yes, folks, this month we're taking a little peek into that veritable orb of sensuality, Risa. It's one of the most popular tourist spots in the known galaxy, and rightly so -- on this planet, it's all about relaxation (well, that and Jamaharon, the Risian equivalent of... erm, you get the picture).

Had a rough time lately? Duty starting to get you down? Better than a counselor, better than a friend, the jungle islands of Risa (climate-controlled, mind you) will get you back on track! Doctor's orders: take a long reyamilk bath, then head to the hot springs for a skinnydipping session. Perhaps you could invite that special someone you were eyeing a bit earlier in the day?

Indeed, when you get to Risa, there's nothing more to worry about. Let the dual suns bake your cares away, and bask in the knowledge that you're in good hands: the service and accomodations here are the best you'll find. For those with special dietary needs, rest assured that any cuisine, no matter how complex or esoteric, can be obtained at any time.

So cash in that shore leave you've accumulated and prepare to receive some serious pampering. For the vacation of your dreams, all you've got to do is show up. Risa will take care of the rest!
