Guest Editorial

Author: CL6 Rubicon
Department: Publishing/COMM

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Rubicon!

What was your first thought? C'mon be honest! I bet your thinking, "ohmygawd, Kali let Rubicon loose on the Tribune please someone help us because it will never be the same. Oh the horror!"

Fear not good citizens of Gotham for I am here to help. Do you find yourself bored at the Outpost, bored on the internet, suffering from the plague of '404 Page Cannot be Displayed' errors? Now you can relax and let the sunshine in because now I'm a patented and copyrighted shiny new member of Communications and my mission will be to give you what you want, give you what you need or just plain annoy you.

Being a web developer and a graphics designer by day and a pop culture junkie by night (much to Sonata's chagrin) the internet is my life both professionally and recreationally. I see the genius and overwhelming potential in it as an effective communications tool. Before I owned a computer I was at the mercy of TV network executives and magazine editors mixed with a dash of living in a small town so I had no clue as to the depth of pop culture and retro culture I was missing out on. Sure pop culture may be plastic but if you research and dig deep enough under all that tripe you'll find the well crafted and lovingly maintained gems that stand out from the status quo. I hope to show you that art and media in our society doesn't have to be on par with Shakespeare or Aristole or opera to be great, it just has to be thoughtful, relevant and well executed.

Over the coming months I will scour the internet and attempt to bring you the all the wholesome goodness you've been jonesing for all these years but until now felt like a elusive dream. My columns will be purely subjective of course because there is no such thing as real objectivity since everyone has an unique and individual opinion and well because I can be as subjective as I want. I do have a warning though, if your one of those people that thinks Britney Spears is a talented singer-songwriter then gosh darnit this column isn't for you. I'm not going to take you into the world of counter culture but I'm certainly not going write on subjects like Britney whom I feel are a plague on art and culture. This means no reality shows and no bubble gum pop music.

I hope that you will find my columns useful and engaging. I will try to make them as global as possible so if you have any topic you would like others to know about and I think it's worthy then feel free to email me at If my interests and my hobbies are my coffee then pop culture and retro culture are the cream and sugar that I blend in equal amounts into my life. Anyone else know the 5% rule? If you do, then this column is a must read for you!
