
Author: Deadbeat

Well, I put it off as long as I could, but it is time to discuss procrastination. Most, if not all, of us have fallen into this trap at some point in our lives. I, for example, should be working on homework for several different classes at this point, but have decided to instead write this article. My reasons are the same that anyone who has ever procrastinated knows by heart. They all boil down to "I can do it later."

The problem is that, sooner or later, all of the laters pile together until you have one huge mountain of work that has to get done quickly. This will lead to sloppy, incomplete work that in no way exemplifies the quality that one is capable of.

Sometimes, we like to delude ourselves into thinking that the truth is we have just bitten off more than we can chew. But, even with the tiniest bit of work demanded of us, we still put it off to the last second possible.

I don't know how many this applies to, but I think I may have found the answer to my own procrastination. It usually comes into effect with work that I know I can accomplish if I put the time in. When I get to something that I can't accomplish yet, or am not sure I can do, I jump on it right away. Eager to prove to myself and others that I am equal to the task, able to handle anything thrown my way.

This fact of procrastination tends to bring in a thought of maturity. Am I really mature if I delay work this much? I am actually starting to wonder. When I look at the things that I should have done now in life and have not, for one reason or another, it depresses me. Well, time for me to finally get back to work. But first I'm going to watch a little TV.

Thanks for reading,

Next Month: Stage Fright
