Directively Prime, Reloaded

Author: Monny
Department: Publishing/COMM

#7 All work for and by OTF members is the property of Outpost 10F and cannot be used on any other site without the explicit written permission of the creator and Outpost 10F blah blah blah…..

Lets take a look at things people. How many other chat rooms have we all been to that are like OTF. I don't have much to add to this particular conversation because I was very new to chatting when I came to OTF. I had no idea about what chat rip offs were and so when certain members of other chat rooms were sometimes shunned I thought it all rather odd. After spending more time around OTF ad seeing how much went into the operations of the place I started to understand some of the anger that mentioning certain other chat rooms would invoke. It came to my attention that there were some individuals who liked what they saw at OTF and decided to play god and go create a clone.

Not to 'diss' any other person's work but I think most of us can tell which of these room are lame ass clones. How does this happen, one asks? I have heard some stories, (rumors if you will), that in the past certain members of OTF have joined a department and worked in the bowels of the station becoming familiar with the inner workings of the Outpost. These rumored individuals would then decide, for some reason or another, that they should go off and create their own chat room, based on what they had learnt.

Needless to say, this kind of thing is very much against the rules. Big surprise, I know. So surprising it seems that every so often some newbie demands to speak to our lead engineer because: "I want to make a chat room so I was wondering how you guys do it here". It happens often and they are surprised that they always get a negative response to that demand. "Hell no, you can't copy our stuff, go make yer own!"

Another common offense that gets annoying really fast is what we call "flooding". What does it mean to "flood a chat room"? The first thing that comes to mind is that someone would accidentally leave the faucet (tap) in the Cantina bar and bathrooms running and the whole place gets flooded with water and the patrons run the risk of drowning. Or perhaps Guinan would get carried away one day and try and entertain us by creating a pool in Ten Forward.

No, this is not what we are referring to when we mention directive #8. It's really not that dramatic, nor glamorous. Flooding is just simply posting the same message repetitively. Flooding is just simply posting the same message repetitively. Flooding is just simply posting the same message repetitively. Flooding is just simply posting the same message repetitively. Flooding is just simply posting the same message repetitively.

It wipes out every one else's messages from the screen and so the guests and members cannot chat civilly. So as a result the offender is usually removed. Yes, there are times when we all do it accidentally but we are talking about those idiots who post "No one is talking to me" seven million times… Well ok seven times is enough to get you shot out after adequate first warning and all that other crap.

That's quite enough for this time because I say it is. More next time I hope, if they don't start to realize that I'm talking out of my arse. :p
