Poetry Guild

Author: CL4 Steve Norton
Department:The Outpost10f Guilds

As February fades to March, our thoughts slip from love to the fun we all know we're going to have on St. Patrick's Day.

February's "Love and Romance" theme has once again been a great success and we thank all the membership for their wonderful words and emotions. A winner and honorable mentions will be announced very soon. However, just as there has been change on the winds for the Poetry Guild its time to leave the love behind us ;-) and look towards March.

The theme for this month is, of course "St. Patty's Day" and we're awaiting a storm of ballads you scribbled on a pub napkin. Of course if you prefer to just send a poem we will leave that open but sure would like to see our Irish members burst forth with all those wonderful "Irish Ditties" (and no limericks please *EG*).

Our poet of the month will be: Irish Poet, Katie Donovan

As always please send you submissions to otf_poetryguild@hotmail.com and we eagerly await your poems.

CL4 Steven Norton
Assistant Project Leader
CL7 Smile
Team Leader - Poetry Guild
