Officer Profile

Author: Kayana
Department: Publishing/COMM

After a wonderful Valentine’s Day (we hope you all had a lot of chocolate and love!), Officer Profile is back again with this month’s interviewee, Cl5 Monny!

Monny was born ("gloriously" she says) in a tiny town in Connecticut, USA and spent her early childhood living next to the Atlantic,(mmm,fish..) making her no stranger to icy winters with lots of snow and bitter cold. Later on in her childhood her family moved to Zimbabwe (wow!) making Monny possibly the only OTFer who has ever lived in Africa and can speak an African language (you go, girlfriend ;)).

English is Monny’s mother tongue but she is also fluent in Shona which she picked up in Zimbabwe and "as many OTF people have had the misfortune of witnessing" she is also learning Dutch.

OTF Tribune then went on to ask Monny to share with us a bit about her hometown and she had this to say;

"My family moved back to the States when I was finished with high school and for some very obscure but logical reason we ended up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh is one of those unfortunate cities that underwent major ecconomic upheaval dring the 1970's when the US Steel industry shut down many steel mills. The city and the whole Western PA region is still trying to get on its eccomic feet. The city is very, very hilly and as a result has many bridges per square mile. I'm sure where she ranks now but Pittsburgh once held a title of some sort concerning having a lot of bridges. It's a quaint little city with it's own culture and dialect (look up Pittsburghese and have a laugh). Pittsburgh is the home of Carnegie Mellon University and my alma mater, The University of Pittsburgh. We also have an American Football team, the Pittsburgh Steelers, you may have heard of them. That reminds me.... I was at a bar in Amsterdam sometime in January and saw a man with a Steelers cap. funny 'eh?"

As to Monny's life,love and pets she told us this; "My last real job was a Materials Research Technician working with lasers and chemicals. I had a lot of fun because I really am a nerd. I love Chemistry and Physics and how they bring everything together.

Speaking of my man... he's this great guy named Henri. He's the kindest, gentlest, sexiest, most intelligent (don't tell him I said that), man I know (I would say 'in the world' but his ego is already too big).

I don't currently have any pets but I hope my man and I can solve that problem in the near future."

Moving on we asked Monny when and how she found OTF:

"I found OTF around Febuary of 2001. I had been experiencing some insomnia at that time and I wanted to learn how to chat. So I wondered around to some other chat rooms and got disgusted, horrified until I thought of looking for a star wars room. I looks on the top 200 list of sites and there it was, The Cloud City Cantine. I went in and it was the first room I went into that the people were nice and didn't ask for my A/S/L or ask for a pic after chatting for 5 minutes.:p I kept coming back and the rest is history..."

Monny is also a Communications Department member and is actively involved in the Tribune and Yearbook projects (trivia: how many articles did Monny write or was involved in in March's Tribune edition? Ans: 5) and both she and Officer Profile would like you to know that she is working with some really enthusiastic and talented people. *ahem* Officer Profile would also like to welcome Monny as Section Chief for Tribune's "People&Places"!

Following that we asked Monny like we do every month, what her most memorable OTF project is and of course, her favorite OTF moment.

"My most memorable project was the first "Friendship Day" while I was still in the counseling department. That was in November of 2001 and one of the reasons I came up with the idea was because there were some traumatic things going on in the world at that time and also I felt that we needed to come together more as a community. I got to work on that with some really great people *waves to Komonda, Hal Horn, Zilette and others*

To think of all the special moments in OTF...One thing they had in common was that they were spontaneous, wild and crazy. I've had some really crazy times in the CCC during late nights (EST I mean). I really enjoy just goofing off with cool people."

Lastly we asked Monny to give out a shout out (uh oh...) to everyone out there:

"There's actually a place on here to give a shout out...hmmmmm. I'd like to give a shout out to my wife, my mistress, my brother, my man, my daddy, my Netherlands posse, the SickBoyz, the US/Canada West coast peeps.... I hate doing that because I don't want to leave anyone out. I guess I would like to say hi to all the people I don't get to chat with that often anymore. I hope to see some of you around sometime. Peace out boyiiiiiii!!!"

That's it for this month readers and until next time, we hope you have a great Spring out there, wherever you are!
