Marketing Update

Author: CL7 Kali D'or

February has been a bit of a slow month for the Marketing Division. Capt. Tierce and I have been sopending most of our time brainstorming and thinking, rather than producing our usual reams of paper and pages. Fortunately, we are getting ready to get back to the real fun stuff that goes along with advertising and PR.

In April we will get to work on our Members Survey which will be directed at gathering information that will answer some questions we have about where we come from and why we are here. Since we don';t have access to a fancy-schmandcy stats package, we have to get our info the old fashioned way - by asking the members directly. The Member Survey will be coming to you via email to the addy you specified when you registered. We wil make it easy to read and answer so it will be point and click simple for everyone.

Capt. Tierce has finished up his banner project and the final debugging of the Tribune so even MAC/Apple users can read it, and will be moving on to some really exciting internet marketing duties while I put the next section of the Marketing Plan together for the Admirals. Tom gets the fun stuff and, as usual, I get the paperwork - I think I am on the wrong side of the desk *g*.

We will also be working on the fine tuning of the Tribune by Mail project so you won't even have to walk to the chat room to get the paper - all you need to do is read your mail. Now how kewl is that going to be? We are going to make staying in touch with OTF so easy, there will be no excuses for not being up to date on everything that happens each month!

Anyway, we are making slow but sure progress and look forward to more interaction and participation with our internet and real business world partners. If you come across other sites, fan clubs, publications, or anything else that you think would help the OTF community be more recognized on line and in the real world of Sci Fi and Fantasy (I know, it sounds silly) drop us an email or give us a poke in the chats. We'd like to hear what you have to say - honest!

Have a great month and read the Tribune!
