ENT Update

Author: CL7 Lucas

Hello world! This months article from Logistics will be a short one, but one you will be happy to have clicked on, so READ ON!

As an internet based community, our presence on the web via our websites is a crucial aspectof how we are percieved. Keeping with this concept, our very own Technical Consultant RobinBilney (CL6) has been working busily to re-release our presence on the 'Net via our Homepage. So without further adieu, I present to you the brand spanking new Logistics Homepage!

Again I would like to thank Robin for his outstanding work. His creative flair in the area of web design brings a unique aspect to our outstanding team in Logistics.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to drop a bit of a teaser. Watch this space next month for an exciting little something coming your way.. rather quickly actually. It might also be an idea to dig those old joggers out of the closet, and start studying some maps (aka. Schematics). You'll need all the help you can get...
