Fromthe Editor

Author: CL7 Kali D'or
Department:OTF Marketing Director/Admin.

Thank goodness - The Tribune has found a full time editor!!

It gives me great pleasure to announce that Cmdr. Shaker, late of the Entertainment Dept. has come back to haunt us all as the new Outpost Tribune Editor. Shaker will be taking over my duties as head wet noodle thwapper on the 1st of each month as the hard working staff prepares the newest edition of the news.

Shaker wil be assisted in his efforts by the 3 newly appointed Section Chiefs, Kayana, Monny and Rubicon, our newest addition to the Tribune Staff.

At this time, I must take this last opportunity to thank each and every member of the Tribune staff and all our freelance writers who have contributed since we published our first "new and improved" edition back in September, 2002, for all their hard work, great ideas, support, laughs and fun. There is no way that the Outpost Tribune is put together each and every month by one person. Every member of the COMM Publishing Staff, Capt. KK and Capt. Tierce, Cmdr. Suzy and all the members of the EC who have supported the Tribune over the past 7 months have had an impact on what we do and how we do it and they should all be very proud of a job very well done.

I do want to specifically thank Suzy, Tierce and KK one more time for making the Tribune a reality. Without their support, technical expertise and creativity I would still be sitting somewhere with just an idea - they made it happen and they have my personal thanks and a really big box of chocolates :)

I look forward to contributing to the Tribune each month as a member of the COMM Dept. staff and leaving all the hard work and thinking stuff to Shaker and his team. I am confident that they will have many new ideas and innovations to the Tribune and each month will be an adventure and a surprise.

Its been lots of fun and I hope each and every one of our writers and readers will continue to read and support the community and the Tribune in the future.

Hugs and chocolates to all

