Guilds Update

Author: CL8 Zilette
Department:The Outpost 10F Guilds

Well, winter is still holding in and the everchanging wheel is still turning. Appears that Counseling is in restructure and changes yet once again. Folks it is not me I swear *has halo on her head*. I know all about spring cleaning but I leave that to Dustia and Zimlette Tribble, head of Waste Management for Counseling but I swear that I only take orders from above. *g*

We are moving to a new location on the server so if you find pages down or messages not working bear with us. The announcment of all changes will appear on the Board soon with the urls to locations as soon as repairs are complete. We, like most departments are low on staff at the moment with so many in school, midterms etc. But we will survive. As they say "all in good time......all in good time".

So you are wondering what changes???? Well, we are adding some new additions to The Guilds. I am probably not suppose to tell but, Z whispers, "I know you all will keep the secret right?" Soon we will be available on the Ikonboard with each Guild having their own space there.

The Outpost 10F Libary is there already. On the board we will be able to discuss, separately, each genre of the guilds. Film, Writers', Artists', Poetry, Web Development, Music and Actors' when they unfreeze it. This will open us to lots of conversations, comments, observations and good discussions for all those that have interests in these areas.

Also we will be adding a "Showcase Only" section that will be for those that prefer not to enter contests but just show their work or a link to their work. We will also have a Resource page added to each Guild. It will provide links to helpful information in that particular genre and we hope to find some good links to legitimate contests, grants and scholarships for you to help you on your quests for your sources to help with your education needs.

So you see, we are not sitting on our duffs and letting time flit by. If you dont' see some of us, you will know that the Admirals have us chained to our desks, locked in and will not let us out till we have completed our spring cleaning. But you know what a sneaky Boss Dragon I am and my cohorts in crime always find a way to sneak in the chats for a little bit.

If you have suggestions of themes for contests or a biography or review you would like to see, perhaps you know of a good resource, or contest, grants or scholarship that would be of service to the members? Just contact the Guildmaster of that particular Guild. Our emails are really easy to remember:
Your faithful Boss Dragon Z is off to the slave quarters.....Hey - if you care to drop me some chocolates? Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs are my favorite *EG* Z steps in her office and hears the click.....Sheesh Andrew don't you trust me?????

Z's Thought for the Month: "Everyone tries to define this thing called Character. It's not hard. Character is doing what's right when nobody's looking." J.C. Watts
