Film Guild

Author: CL6 Dracmus
Department:Film Guild/The Outpost10f Guilds

The Film Guild is finally moving on. We are moving to new address on the OTF server. Which means that we are getting a lot closer to opening. There is still a lot of checking to do. And we keep getting more and more reviews, very strange. But the Force works in mysterious ways. We already have passed the 300 marker for the movie reviews. Plenty to look forward to on the opening day.

An opening before the summer is something the FG staff is looking forward to. And seems like we are going to made that. The Film Guild has welcomed a few new reviewers to the team. But there is always room for more freelance reviewers. Yes freelance. That means that you are working as a reviewer for the project, but are not in the department. This means you don't have to worry about rank or department. If you are in ENT and want to do a review you simply write me see if anyone is doing it and I will approve it if it is not taken.

I know that there are still members out there, who love to watch TV or go to the theater every week. Well, give me one good reason on why you should tell others why the movie or series sucked, or was great. Tell others what good movies are. And what movies are not worth watching.

The Film Guild also takes requests. Do you have questions about a certain science fiction, fantasy, anime or family movie? One from a long time ago, or one that you heard about recently. Wondering what it was about again or who played in it, did the music or if they based it on a book?

There will also be a site for those that love details and or why something happened called Reel Nitpickers . Did you find something that was totally wrong in a movie like when you can see the wires. That the wrong facts are being used. That there is something wrong with the picture, and you know what it is. The ones who have forgotten facts and the critics, those are the ones we are also looking for. If you got some extra time on your hands, and if you like to argue about movies and series then you are the one that we are looking for to make our nitpickers pages interesting.

Feel free to mail me about any Film Guild things that you feel would be useful at
