Fan Clubs

Author: CL4 Ricas Kibu

Bantha Tracks

Right everyone, this article is about a publication called "Bantha Tracks". It's a quarterly magazine shipped with Star Wars Insider, and focuses on what fans do, what they like and what they contribute to the Star Wars universe. It is named after the original fan club publication that was published by Lucasfilm during Episodes 4 through 6 (the Original Trilogy).

To be honest, I can't really tell you much about this, as I don't get SWI, and it hasn't been going long. Plus there isn't a site. The first 3 issues, the third of which hasn't been shipped yet, included info on the Star Wars celebration 2 last May, info on making your own costumes, a Return of the Jedi scrapbook, and a Road Squadron feature which is about fans who paint their cars to resemble starfighters.

Bantha Tracks, in general, contains convention schedules, fan interviews, and news pertinent to Star Wars Fandom. I'd like to thank Mary Franklin, Bantha Tracks's editor and director of Marketing and Operations of Paizo ( the publisher of Bantha Tracks), for talking to me by email about Bantha Tracks.
