ENT Update

Author: Michiel

"Aargh, it's Michiel! And he's the second Assistant Manager of Entertainment now? Surely there was an error somewhere!" is what you must have been thinking; and that is just if you only know me from inside the chat rooms itself I suppose. "Now why did he write this month's Entertainment Network update for the Tribune?" Well because I was asked to tell everyone how this came to be. To take away your doubts, or at least try. *g*

It all started back in December with the opening of Alder Hill, actually. We had decided an opening sim would be nice, and two days before the opening Lorgar and I thought it was sort of prudent we do some preparation for this (don't think we were this late because of neglect, we were all still very busy getting Alder Hill itself into a presentable state by finishing up the final graphics, additions to the chronicles, etc). Lorgar and I wrote the premise with help from the other Loremasters, and about an hour before the actual opening we managed to be done with all the preparations for the sim.

Who would lead the sim? Well, we settled for yours truly. I had only once participated in a live sim, and had never seen live sims from the other side at all, so I got help from the highest authority we have on simming, Senior Manager of Entertainment Dommy (That's right, back then he was my assistant). All went well with the sim, though we got a little stuck in the middle when nobody wanted to get through the magick portal that was to send our little 'fellowship' from Guy Aerstaff's house to the Old Fortress outside Alder Hill. But all turned out well, and our friends all returned back home safely after the Evil Troll was defeated, and Guy was rescued.

Anyway, that was my first connection with Entertainment, and not long after I was asked if I would be interested in a position as Loremaster Liaison to Entertainment. "What the...?" Yeah, you're right, I should explain about this further. You see, most of the world of Alder Hill will be shown to you through activities hosted by Entertainment, and that requires close cooperation between the two parties, so a Liaison between the two was necessary. Weeks later Richard stepped down as Assistant Manager, Data filled his shoes and the position of second Assistant Manager became vacant and I was approached again. Of course, I said yes.

And here I am, I landed head first into a large amount of e-mail, requests, Alder Hill related advice and as you can see, the writing of articles for the Tribune. Well, one article maybe, but still. And that's what's been happening in the Entertainment Network this month from my personal perspective. Next time I'll probably write something less focussed on myself, but alas, this month that was the whole point of the update.

