COMM Update

Author: CL7 Kitty Kat
Department:Sr. Manager/COMM

Well we're creeping our way into Spring (or Autumn depending where you live), though the weather still feels like winter here! Did you know that March is named for the Greek God of war? March was the original beginning of the year, and the time for the resumption of war. Now there's a useless fact to tell your friends!

Spring is also a time when we should all be cleaning frantically shouldn't we? I don't feel an urge so I think I'll pass. However I shall bring you this months' communications update, which is far more interesting and important than a cloth duster and a vaccum cleaner. (honest!)

As you may be aware the Yearbook 2002/2003 is getting underway and the team would be more than happy to hear any ideas you have. Just send an email to:

We have some big news this month too! Amanda Sielu Paris is going to be stepping down as a awards team leader, she needs to take some time off for Airforce training - be afraid be very afraid! (only kidding I know she will do great!). So I would like to offer my thanks on behalf of the Department for all the hard work she put into it, its been much appreciated. She will be thankfully staying as Assistant Manager for the Communications department however. Jaro Warren will be stepping up as the new Team Leader of Awards. Amanda will be a tough act to follow but I'm sure he will be more than capable!

We've also had some big changes in the tribune this month. Our Editor in residence Kali will be leaving us to concentrate on the Marketing team. She has done absolute wonders for the Tribune for which we are all eternally grateful, so I just want to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to her and Tierce for all their hard work *salutes*. She will be announcing the new Editor soon!

Until next month...

CL7 KittyKat
