Bookstore Beat

Author: Jaina Erin

Well, what do you know, I’m back. Didn’t I say if they liked me a lot, they might let me review another bookstore? And what do you know, they did. Everyone, applaud them now! Thanks, and now, to my purpose.

There was one thing, just slightly less than my vocational school work that I missed while in Texas. And that was one, particular, phenomenal place. The Bangor Mall Borders Bookstore is a great deal like most other Borders. Just across from Sears, it is a large white, mostly unimpressive building - from the outside. A lot like a book… you never know what it might contain. Those of you who have seen one, know what I mean. But then, I’m writing this for you poor souls who haven’t seen a Borders.

Though Borders, traditionally a bookstore, now sells music, movies, gifts, and comics in addition to the average book. Many of them combine the fresh newness of a bookstore with the relaxed atmosphere of a café. The warm, tantalizing aroma of coffee and a new book is very nearly intoxicating, and thankfully Border’s employees recognize that fact. They have no problems with you reading in store, so long as you buy something.

Borders has a partnership with, which allows you to order something from and pick it up at your local store. Convenient if you spend a lot of time there. Another thing I really like is the fact that Borders can find anything you want. Really! For example, did you know that you can find books on Akkadian there? (You get double points if you knew what Akkadian was before you read this sentence.) Also, I once discovered a German-Russian-Hebrew dictionary of electronics on sale for 20 dollars. Any readers doing the plot to take over the world scene?

There are rows of science fiction and fantasy, where you can find the most interesting people, always ready to share something they know. The computer and technology section (really awesome place) is always deeply scented with that sensation that accompanies people who sit in front of a monitor far too much. And the language books, perhaps it’s just the Columbian coffee, but I swear to you, they smell foreign.

If you have four hours and ten dollars, I might add, and are a very fast reader you can read two books for the price of one. There are dozens of chairs and tables scattered around for a reader’s contentment. Like a library where you buy instead of checking out when you’ve been completely sucked into a book.

What can I say, I’m obsessed. With a lot of things, really, but definitely with a good bookstore, a better library, and an incredible book. When I die, I hope I turn up surrounded by books. But, as LeVar Burton’s sidekicks would say, don’t take my word for it. To truly appreciate the chain-bookstore of chain bookstores, search out your own Borders. There may be one, just down the street, and you never know what you might discover.
