Book of the Month

Author: Spot the Cat
Department:Freelance - will work for tuna

March is X-Wing month at the Outpost Library.

The X-Wing series is one of the most popular of the Classic Trilogy storylines since Star Wars books showed up on bookstore shelves. The very first one, X-Wing, Rogue Squadron was written by Michael A. Stackpole and was published in 1996 by Bantam Spectra books. The rest of the series spanned 8 more volumes published in paperback between 1996 and 1999. The first 4 volumes of this series were all written by Stackpole and they further the story of Wedge Antilles as he takes over the old Squadron that Luke Skywalker once commanded after Endor.

Volumes 5-7 were written by Aaron Allston and introduce us to the Wraiths, a top secret bunch of pilots who are also very talented in other areas of sneaking around, stealing things and getting in and out of trouble with style and grace, depending on your point of view *lol*. Allston's gift of putting words in the mouths of our favorite SW characters, and doing it while maintining the integrity of that character makes his books classics in the dialog department.

Stackpole came back to write Volume 8 in 1999 and Allston completed the series at the end of 1999 with Volume 9.

The Outpost Library is lucky to have the entire series all reviewd by the same member. This is one impressive list and this series of reviews won Willyum the Star Wars Reviewer of the Year Award at the OTF Ceremonies in 2001. Also, note that there are Point of View reviews for some of these books too, just in case you want to know what Zulin thought of them.

So, for your reading pleasure:

Volume 1, X Wing-Rogue Squadron
Volume 2, Wedge's Gamble
Volume 3, The Krytos Trap
Volume 4, The Bacta War
Volume 5, Wraith Squadron
Volume 6, Iron Fist
Volume 7, Solo Command
Volume 8, Isard's Revenge
Volume 9, Starfighters of Adumar

Now, do you have an opinion?? What do you think of the Star Wars Classic Trilogy Books that are not "movies?" Go to the Ikonboards and tell us what you think.
