Alder Hill

Author: CL8 TeeKay
Department:Sector Command/Admin.

Greetings, and Maerles'n!

Short February was a busy month in Alder Hill. Both the Iðavian and the Melskháur embassies have established themselves, and even though the respective ambassadors have not yet set foot in the Inn, the villagers are highly curious about these strangers and their cultures. Therefore, both Embassies have released more information about their respective countries, and also about other human cultures in Arlavré. Mekaul, of course, dismissed all this as rubbish, but you're welcome to judge for yourself. The new documents can be found in the Town Hall.

The Town Guard reports that all is well. There has been the occasional chicken theft, but after the pay of the Troll bouncers has been raised, this has stopped. It has been noted by the Town Guard that the resident Ifrin give the Melskháur embassy a wide berth, for reasons unknown to the villagers.

The Melskháur embassy has delivered some excellent wine to Radelia's Inn, so be sure to give that a try. Thanks to the Iðavian embassy, there is now the beginning of a Dhrasan vocabulary in the Town Hall, for free use to all who want to learn Elvish.

Radelia tells me that there is a wandering Bard visiting her Inn, who is happy to sing and tell stories for everyone. Also, our Chief Town Guard has been known to sit back in the Inn and tell a few stories, which have been written down and collected for your reading pleasure.

Other news: All Alder Hill affiliated OTF members can now choose their dossier race from the races of Arlavré. A big thank you to Henri for updating all the pages! :)

*hears a knock on the door* That must be the Melskháur ambassador. A Mayor's work is never done!

Take care, folk of OTF, and see you in the Alder Hill Inn!

Mayor of Alder Hill
