Web Development Guild

Author: CL5 Wraith
Department: Outpost10f Guilds

Hey Hey!

This is Wraith from the newly reforming Web Development Guild. At the moment we are starting to get up to date on the peeps who are really behind everything we see here at the Outpost, the department members.

We need interviews of anyone and everyone from the Outpost workforce and the new members that have skills and inspiration they may want to share.

Right now we have divided the interviews into three categories: Web Design, Graphics Artist, and Programmer. If you could take a bit of time and get it to me we will start the interviewing.

Our goal is to gather interviews of all working members to help those either new to the Outpost or looking to start with a new skill set. The interviews are geared towards helping the inexperienced become experienced similar to the way many of the Outpost members have through department work.

The second goal is to let the members be known for their talents. Many of the peeps working in the departments do a lot of work but no one ever really knows about it. With the interviews there will be one, easy access, place to show what has been done and also to advertise. I am asking for the cooperation of all to help make this a complete and viable presentation.

Also anyone having new applets, flash animation and programs they would like showcased please let us know we will be opening a Showcase section very soon.

Check out the new interviews for this month:

PV aka Michiel

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Bounty Hunter Wraith (CL5) or errr 2;)
Web Development Guild Team Leader
