Not Your Home Planet-Trek

Author: Roman W
Department: Publishing/COMM

It's about time we make use of those darned holodecks, don't you think? In that spirit, I suggest the troopers among you recreate on your local 'deck this month's featured planet. Speaking of which, what do a strong military force, a fondness for children, and raw regova eggs have in common? That's right: they're all a significant part of life on Cardassia Prime, which, as any Cardassian would proudly tell you (speaking to real Cardassians not presently advised), is home to one of the most complex and culture-rich species in the galaxy.

Indeed, the Cardassians are a proud people, and with good reason: Cardassia is one spectacular place to visit. If you think these people in their current existence are impressive, wait until you see the remains of their ancient civilization. Structures built by the Cardassians of old adorn the planet like so many jewels, and writings speak of a people both artistically creative and deeply intellectual. Today, the planet's residents carry on such a dual existence, but have added to it military prowess, the result of which is the chief stereotype offworlders have imposed: that Cardassians are nothing but killing machines.

Their art speaks differently. Take Iloja of Prim, for example. A serialist poet from the First Republic, Iloja was exiled to Vulcan for his violent temper, but not before he could whip up some of the galaxy's finest verses (copies of which should be available in Federation libraries). And what of the multigenerational epic "The Never-Ending Sacrifice," an ode to the individual's duty to family and state? It belongs in the ranks of the finest literature ever written, perhaps right next to Earth's "Moby Dick."

Such things are excellent research before visiting Cardassia, but let's move on to what you'll want to do while there. First, visit the Loo Wess region, as detailed in the novel "Meditations on a Crimson Shadow." Attractions include the Fountain of Senndi, the Peak of Errqa, the Valley of Hrabin, and the Caverns of Ani. As you can tell, there's something there for every stalwart visitor!

For the animal lovers and ecologists among you, drop by Colaxa Plain to see the few remaining wild gettle. So many years of poaching have left only these few creatures, but they're slowly growing in numbers again.

A little later (and maybe the animal lovers should pass this one up), go see the Rebron Arena, where there are weekly vole fights -- and believe me, Cardassian voles are vicious creatures. Gambling is endorsed by the owners, so feel free to bet on your favorite.

With your winnings, or perhaps to make up for all those losings, buy yourself a good meal at the Gul, within walking distance of the courts. Cardassian delicacies are served daily, including tojal in yamok sauce, the aforementioned regova eggs, and zabo steak. All are pleasantly accompanied by kanar or mellow rokassa juice, and best when followed by Larish pie.

On such a full stomach, you might not even notice that the planet's best hotel is, at best, mediocre. It's called Legate's Choice, and features small, somber rooms. Swimming pool? Don't think so.

And seriously, before you kleptomaniacs start putting your sticky fingers all over things, keep in mind that the Cardassian justice system is brutal, affording the accused no rights whatsoever. In other words, you're guilty until proven guilty (innocence is not part of the equation).

Naturally, such a planet is not for everyone, even if you are only on the holodeck. But if you possess courage and a little spunk, the trip will be well worth it. Keep your wits about you, and remember -- holodeck safety controls should always be on. Especially here.
