My Thoughts

Author: CL5 Zulin Jinn
Department: Archives/COMM

On May 13th an Air Force staff sergeant named Patrick Griffin was shot in Iraq. SSgt. Griffin was from the town I live in. His family lives just up the street from me. I personally did not know SSgt. Griffin, but I went to the graveside service to show support for his niece whom I am a friend with.

At the cemetery it hit me. There I was standing in the crowd listening to the chaplain speak and I realized that I had the freedom to stand there, the freedom to do and say what I want, and the freedom to protest against this war (which I support) because of men like SSgt Griffin. He died defending the basic freedoms of the Iraqi people. If that right there isn't enough to justify this war, I don't know what is.

We don't need to find weapons of mass destruction, what we need to find is every single God forsaken member of Saddams regime and make him pay for the atrocities they committed against innocent people. This war wasn't about oil; it was about doing what's right. And I bet if you could ask SSgt Griffin or any of the other casualties in Iraq if what we are doing is worth it, they would say yes.
