The Classified Ads section of the Tribune is for YOU the members. This is the place where you can ask for assistance, find someone, send a special message, offer your skils and talents to other members and departments, congratulate someone on a promo, a birthday, or special event.

We have divided the Classified Ads section into 3 separate areas to make it easy for you, and for the Tribune staff *g*.

And we have built a form, so all you have to do is fill in the blanks and click the submit button and we wil make sure your message is posted in the very next edition.

Now, we all know that OTF members are not, by nature, shy people, so we expect some great participation from everyone. Remember, The OTF Tribune is here for the members - if you don't take advantage of it, we all loose. So, send in your ads! If you have used the Suggestion Box, you know how this works!

