Meet the Neighbors

Author: Chameleon
Department: Freelance

As far as the texts of J.R.R. Tolkien are concerned, there are 4 divisions of dragons. This article tells briefly about each division.

The Cold-Drakes

The cold-drakes ("drake" being the old word for "dragon") are now the least powerful of all the dragons. They are the cold blooded reptiles like snakes and serpents. Unlike their cousins, the fire-drakes, these dragons cannot produce fire. Most of them perished in the War of Wrath but some survivors escaped into a region beyond the Grey Mountains in the northern regions of Middle-Earth where they lived for millenia.

The Fire-Drakes

The fire-drakes are the most powerful of the two fundamental divisions of dragons. Very little is known about them. Glaurung, Ancalagon and Smaug were all fire-drakes. Like the cold-drakes, they also lived in the northern regions of Middle Earth.

The Long-Worms

Long-worm dragons live in the northern regions of Middle Earth and look very much like a winged snake. The most famous of this type of dragon was Scatha of the Ered Mithrin who was slain by Fram of the Éothéod. It is thought that long-worms originated sometime during the First Age.

The Were-Worms

Possibly mythical and most likely related to dragons, these are creatures of an unknown kind. The name "were-worm" suggests a type of shape-shifting ability similar to a "werewolf" but for the most part that remains in speculation. Were-worms lived in the region of the Last Desert.
