Music Guild

Author: Mic Mustaine
Department: Outpost10f Guilds

Series: Making The Band

Part 2 - Writing A Constitution

2. Writing a constitution.

Okay droogies here we go again. In the first article I said make sure you do this with friends but I’m going to amend this rule. You don’t actually have to be the best of friends to form a band but you should have a good relationship with the player you want to bring in. Which brings me to the second step in the process 2. Writing a constitution.

Now I’m not saying to start your own country but lay down your ground rules. Some bands are ran as a democracy although it is good to vote on your issues but the thing to remember is your giving up allot. You will not have 100% control of the band. The thing that is bad about this is that at any heated moments the thing that you started and put together and gave a name can turn on you and you’ll be on the outside looking in.

The second way is to run your group as a dictatorship for lack of a better word. Although you can ask for and receive opinions the final decision is yours to make. Most bands are ran this way, Motley Crue with Nikki Sixx, Kiss with Gene Simmons, Nirvana with Kurt Cobain, Think of it as a corporation, which you are the President and the members are your employees this I think is a better plan to work with in the long run. Arguments are easier to solve and you don’t run the risk of being shut out of your own band.

The next article in your constitution should be to develop your name. Now this is going to be the first major decision in your process of making a band. You are going to be known my your name way before anybody knows your music. So it is of they most importance that you pick something that suits you and your genre. But also you don’t want a name that is going to alienate you. Stay away from names that knock politics or Religion they cause too much controversy. Once you know what your name will be you might want to consider getting a copy write on it to protect it from being stolen by another band somewhere.

Okay you’ve decided on your leadership and a name the next thing is finding the players. But before that you have to figure what kind of set up that you want. I prefer what I call a 4 1/2-piece set up. What that is Rhythm Guitarist/Lead Vocals, Lead Guitarist, Bass Guitarist and a Drummer.

The first thing you want to find is your Rhythm section. It’s the most important part of your setup. Your rhythm section is just basically your Drummer and your Bass player. So you find two friends one who is a drummer that has 12 years playing time and a bass player with 15 years. Is that the best section you can find? No, just cause of their experience does not mean they are the best fit for you. The best way to decide is to play, First seek out a drummer and have a jam session. This is the best way to make sure that you will be a good fit, after you’ve found the drummer find a bass player and have another jam session with you and your drummer and continue through the process until you’ve found all your player.

Stay away from auditions play with the people that you want to pick. Just cause they have a good sound doesn’t mean that your playing styles are going to be the best.

Coming up next month: Part 3. Did you miss Part 1? Check Resources at the Music Guild.
