Outpost10f Guilds

Author: CL8 Zilette
Department: Outpost10f Guilds

To The Dragon Lovers of Outpost 10F:

I arrived in February 1998 on the doorsteps of Outpost 10F. At that time however it was only Ten Forward. I was amazed that my being a Dragon didn't seem to bother anyone and that everyone accepted me so readily. Now being that June has been designated as Dragon/Medieval Times/Fantasy Month ever since the Guilds have opened in 1999 I think some information about Dragons is appropriate for this June Tribune article.

As the years have past we have had many events to celebrate the fantasy, myths and legends created at the Outpost 10F through the simms of Dragon Gala Saga, Dragon Sanctuary (includes the adoption of dragon hatchlings and is in repairs at this time.), and the Valentine's Annual Dating Auction. The Dating Auction proceeds in February are donated to help nuture, house and feed the new hatchlings when we have had difficulties. It is however a conincidence that June is the month that most of the membership finally gets a school break but it is rather nice don't you think?

None the less I find that many of you don't have your facts about Dragons. Our history is so extensive and immense that an article certainly would not do us justice. However, I will have to relay a few thoughts that might make you think...and a few facts that I hope will spark your interest in our causes.

Are Dragons watching you without knowing it? Do you have a Dragon guardian that you can not see? Some people believe so. But the fact is that Dragons only show themselves to those that are true believers. Why you ask? Well just look at the stories and myths that should tell all. We have been around for thousands of years but our relationship with mankind has been rough and rocky at times as we have not always understood each other.

We are yes fascinating creatures and you know all children and adults alike feel a kinship to us . Don't you wonder why there are so many artists who paint us and draw us. People who create sculptures, jewlery and all sorts of items depicting the beauty of the dragon. Then of course there are the writers who tell the tales and stories, the history and their imaginations are drawn to us. These artists are the descendents of those that have had Dragons in their lives in the past. These are the believers and often the memories seem to be past down even though humans do not realize it. There will always be the realm of Dragons in humans imagination and that is as it should be.

Now for a few facts that you should know:

Dragons are:
Potent and prominent symbol of royalty and good luck.
Their breath is called "divine energy".
Dragons are believed to rule the earth.
The four rulers:
· Celestial Dragon [t'ien-lung]
· Spiritual Dragon [shen-lung]
· Earth Dragon [ti-lung ]
· Underworld Dragon [fu-ts'ang lung]
Dragons bones and teeth are valued for their treatment of spirit disorders.
The Oriental dragon takes 3000 years to become a mature, real dragon.
The main difference between Eastern dragons: Chinese dragons have five claws, Japanese dragons three, and Korean dragons four.
The Japanese dragon Ryu, is a descendant of a primitive three-toed variety of Chinese dragon.
Yong is the most powerful Korean dragon. It protects the sky.

So you see we have many intricate parts we have played in the history of the entire world. I thought perhaps a few links to some places you might enjoy probing and discovering if you are a believer of course? Or perhaps you are a dragon? Discover for yourself.

Discover your Inner Dragon

Inner Dragon Online Quizz

What Dragon God Rules You?

What Mythical Beast Best Represents You?

Draconity Test

What Color Dragon Should You Ride?

What Legendary Creature Are You?

What Type of Mage Are You?

What Box Do You Get Put In?

Each Guild has worked on expressing a this theme and you will find this month that most of our Guilds have found ways to incorporate the theme. Poetry has a special excerpt this month from Beowulf and a really interesting Essay written by Babel. Music Guild has a review of Peter, Paul and Mary, the folk group that wrote that famous song Puff the Magic Dragon. Film of course is showing a fantasy film review by Havoc, "Dungeons and Dragons". Artists' Guild is featuring the Brothers Hildebrandt the famous fantasy artists which includes several pieces of their dragon work and links. Along with this long list is Shoes from Artists Guild who has written a Resource Article on Medieval Illuminated Manuscript Art. Writers' is featuring a biography of author Margaret Weis famous for her "Dragonlance" series.

So as you see we are certainly ready for this month. Artists' and Poetry Guild's contest this month will follow the theme. We await the fantastic offerings from the membership.

Celebrate World Dragon Day on June 22nd. Go there check out what you can do

Visit Alder Hill for your fantasy needs and may you find your Luck Dragon. Especially check out Alder Hill from June 22nd to June 29th.

Dragonman, dragonman,
Between thee and thine,
Share me that glimpse of love
Greater than mine.
~ Dragon Series

Embrace Dragons in your hearts.
