England Adventures

Author: MissMaul
Department: Publishing/COMM

For the past half year I have resided in Bournemouth, England. I lived and worked there and once finished with working I travelled around Britain for two weeks. So I've seen the British culture, but through the more objective eyes of a foreigner. And I must say, you British people are quite queer every now and then. But I like you and think you are very friendly people.

So what exactly have I been doing? Well, I worked as a waitress in a restaurant. I also did some bar work, which I enjoyed. But mostly I was waiting on tables. I worked pretty much every bank holiday, meaning I've seen British people behaviour during Christmas. Most of my experience was positive, I didn't have much problems with the customers. The management team however could have been better. Not very organized were they. But that's probably just bad luck on my side. Anyway, I thought they were very focused on money, which I am not. This I found out in my half year and it's a good thing to know about yourself. So, I couldn't care about money. Not too good a thing when you are a waitress and have to take the money of customers and keep it safe during your shift. So, I had some problems when I had to pay in at the end of my day, but nothing major.

Another thing I found out is that I have a slight problem with authority. I already knew that during school, but since most people have that then it didn't really bother me or anyone else. But since at my work everyone had to follow orders and everyone did it like good boys and girls I had a bit of a problem with this. At least, I followed the orders of things I was gonna do anyway, but things that seemed useless to me I rather did not do. So I dug me heels in and that made some people dislike me (though I am very likeable, I think). Also, according to my classmates is secondary school, everything is a discussion. If you don't agree you discuss. And apparently I adopted that opinion. So, to me, whenever I disagreed, I discussed. And also with this, my managers didn't agree. So, in the end, I walked out angry having thrown something at the head of one of the assistant managers trainees. (ok, this only happened once, and the ass. man. tr. was being fired already anyway, it didn't get me fired thank God).

Now it may sound like I had a terrible time. But most of my fellow waiters and waitresses were very nice. I had quite a few laughs with them when we had talks about our 'great' management team. And I also met some very nice people while waiting them on. Always they were asking where I was from. And where exactly I lived in Holland and what I thought of England.

So I some fun working and my time off was ok aswell. But the thing that was better was my holiday, my trip through Britain. I've seen Newcastle, Durham, York, Sheffield, Birmingham (where I met Erin Silvrefyre), Oxford and London. Ok, a holiday on my own is not a thing I will do again, you are on your own the whole time and that becomes kind of boring after a while. But I'm glad I did it and know I can do it. I also know I will have to come back to Britain to see more. I really like the country, there are a lot of great places to visit. I could tell you all the things I did during my holiday but I think this piece would become too long. If you want to know more just ask if I pop up in one of the chats again. I finally have full computer access again after have to life without one for half a year. But this gap year thing is a great thing to do, taking a break from school is wonderful and you learn a lot of stuff about yourself and about being on your own and having to work for a living. I will now start with university this September and am looking forward to it. I am really in need of starting with something new and not having to work with my hands but with my head. I wasn't a great waitress because I am more of a think than a do person. But I had fun and that's what counts.
