Bookstore Beat

Author: CL5 Zulin Jinn
Department: Archives/COMM

Bookstores? I have two favorite ones. Borders and

About a year and a half ago a Borders opened in Ithaca NY and I was immediately hooked. It was just what I needed. I could get my review books for school there, star wars books, fictional War Stories, and Military history books. Borders is just the best. I can't even count the number of hours I have spent in there just browsing through the Military history shelves looking for a good book to buy, or a few for that matter. I have found so many books there that my father said that if I wanted to keep buying books instead of getting them at the library, I would have to start paying for them. Borders broke my bank. Another thing that borders has that is absolutely delightful is the café. I can get some of the best snacks and beverages there.

My other favorite bookstore is Amazon is wonderful simply because it is easy. I can browse through an endless supply of books any time I choose. Amazon even ships the books to my front door, talk about lazy… But borders are more classic and therefore it is my favorite, by far.
