Entertainment Update

Author: CL6 Michiel
Department: Asst. Manager/ENT

It's summer! For some of us time to really get cracking departmentally, for others time to run off to sunnier areas on mother earth. Me, I'll be staying around so don't worry about that. ;)

I'd better get to what I've heard most people ask about for the past months: "When will Entertainment Network open up for applications again?" To be honest, I can't give you a definite answer yet. We're working on getting the department back on track, I can say it will be 'soon', but I unfortunately can not give you a specific estimate. In fact, it may be by the time you read this article, or it may be a little while after that happens.

I'd like to remind everyone that the Simming Forums are currently open, so feel free to pass by there and have a look if you enjoy simming.

As you all surely know, it's July now, which means that next month will be August. Yes, I know that's stating the obvious, but the significance of August is, of course, the anniversary. And what do you do at anniversaries (if you remember them, of course *g*)? You celebrate! So there should be some entertaining to be done by then, which is what we do... Hence the name of the department being Entertainment Network. Yes... Well, I'll leave you all with this extreme piece of obviousness.

If you're in need of more obviousness, feel free to contact the managers at managers@otfen.outpost10f.com.

CL6 Michiel
Assistant Manager
Entertainment Network
