COMM Update

Author: CL7 Kitty Kat
Department: Sr.Manager/COMM

Is it July already? June went fast! Well maybe not if you were sitting exams, well done to those of you who were, regardless of your grade, as long as you put in the effort and did your best!

I guess it means it's time for another Communications update? Alrighty!

Well, the Union site had another round of the Who's Who Photo Contest, run by CL5 Lzrman, thank you to all who participated and congratulations to the joint winners CL6 Demon Slayer and CL7 Deanna!

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has taken the time to contribute to the Tribune, whether you're a team member, sending a regular article on behalf of your team or department, or simply have something you'd like to stay. All entries are most welcome and most appreciated. Keep it up!
