Ten Forward Update

Author: CL7 jj
Department:Sector Command/Admin.

Greetings and Salutations! I hope everyone is having a good time with our New Year's festivities! As we say goodbye to 2002 and prepare to ring in 2003, I hope you will all take a few moments to reflect on the past year, as well as set personal goals and dreams for the new year.

As we look back over the past year, we as a whole community should be proud of several major accomplishments. There's the V2 upgrades, major upgrades to the CCC, and the addition of a whole new genre -- the all originally-created Alder Hill. From design teams to department members to the individual chatters -- all of the exciting changes and improvements to the OTF community wouldn't be possible without each and every one of you!

On the Star Trek side of things, we've recently enjoyed the release of "Star Trek: Nemesis" as well as the second season of "Enterprise." We've had about 700 new registrations for the ST genre since the V2 release in mid-July. Coming soon in 2003 we will be making some cosmetic changes to the chatrooms to enhance their “look and feel.”

I look forward to continuing as your ST Sector Commander in 2003, and am excited by the potential a “new” year holds! As always, I’m open to your questions, comments, suggestions, and feedback.

Happy New Year!!

Captain JJ
ST Sector Commander
