Stupifying Site Sightings

Author: CL7 Lindax

Stupifying Site Sightings

I'm back for the second round of the Stupifying Site Sightings! I hope everyone had great holiday's I surely did! Unfortunately because of all the holly jollyness I had little time to search for great Stupifying Site's. And so it is all a bit shorter then usual...

The Stupifying Site Sightings of this month:

1) Dreaming@Swoon
Ever woke up from a strange dream. One you cannot seem to forget for a couple of days and you keep on wondering what the meaning was of those fuzzy snails with the yellow polka dots? With the dreaming@swoon site you can find out what it meant.

2) Micro Films
An inspiring and cute, short, black and white animated microfilms site.

3) ..ooOOhatchOOoo..
A very nice inspirational site. Retro spacy like. The sounds and visual images made me even more curious to look around.

4) The Official Random Chicken
Random Chicken, where chickens are random, and random is the chicken. Their mission is to keep chickens as random as they can be, and you can help by contributing to the archive!

5) Superbad
As the name says it... I'm still not sure what this is. But its fun to click and see what happens next. Good for your curiosity.

If you have come across any Stupifying Site Sightings, be sure to let me know and mail me!

