Lessons in Shopping

Author: Zulin Jinn

This year I did my X-mas shopping alone for the first time. Since I wasn't distracted by parents or friends, I came to realize 3 things. So here are the 3 things that really ticked me off this year while I was X-mas shopping.

Number One: I was in the Bon Ton getting some presents for my mother and grandmother and this lady had 3 young children with her who would not behave. It wasn't that bad till after she had made her selections and was in the check out line. Not only were the children being loud and unruly, but after the cashier had scanned, folded, and bagged the 150 dollars worth of merchandise the lady bought, the lady couldn't find her credit card. I stood behind this lady (I only had 3 items and had my cash already out) while she dug through a large duffel bag sized purse for 10 minutes looking for the credit card. Finally the cashier said to the lady that she had to let other people go until she could find her form of payment.

Number Two: I was in Best Buy picking up a stereo cable I needed to go with my fathers new speakers, and as I was walking back to the checkout counter, I walked by a display advertising CD-R's. I saw that there was a spindle of 100 CD-R's advertised for $10.99. I picked these up thinking I could give them to my brother. Well, I got to the checkout counter, and they turned out to be $20.99. I told the cashier that he was wrong and he proceeded to walk over to the display, looked at it, seeing it was wrong, switched the signs and told me I needed to pay him $20.99. I didn't buy them.

Number Three: And by far the worst - My brother and I were driving into the mall at around 10:00 O'clock in the morning on a one-way street. All of a sudden, out of nowhere a Buick the size of a small home starts up the street at us. My brother honks the horn, and then at the last minute, is forced to swerve over the curb and over a sign that ironically said "DO NOT ENTER" on the side that was facing the Buick. The bumper of our truck got a large dent, and the man in the Buick, continued down the road after honking his horn, and leaning out the window swearing and flipping the bird to us.

So - Lessons Number 1: always have your payment method handy and ladies, please in a small purse.

Lesson Number 2: If it seems to good to be true, it probably is, especially in Best Buy.

Lesson number 3: Read the signs, and realize when you are at fault.
