NOT your Home Planet

Author: Spot the Cat

Oh Joy!! Came home from work and ther ein the mailbox was the newest edition of "The Star Wars Insider" magazine. And with this issue, we got an extra-special bonus - the first REAL MAP of the Star Wars Galaxy!

Personally, I have been waiting for this ever since I started reading the Star Wars books and according to the accompanying article by Daniel Wallace (SW fans will recognize that name from 3 of the Essential Guides) it took them 4 years and hours and days and weeks and months to do the thing.

The research, details and the places they had to double check and re-check to make sure that the planets we all know from books, comics and movies are allin the right place is amazing. Thanks to the great work by Dark Horse Comics, the editors at DelRey books, all the folks at West End Games who not only play the games but write the books and rules, contributed to this really beautiful map/poster that will look absolutely fabulous framed and hanging in my office next to my collection of Star Wars Calendars. Yes, the office at home looks like a little kids room full of Star Trek and Star Wars toys and books - but who cares?

So, when you want to know just where Malastere is in relation to Gyndine, or which planets are in the middle of the Rimma Trade Route, there actually is a place to look. Did you know that Kamino is just outside the southern-most tip of Hutt Space? Or that Dantooine is not really far at all from the remains of the Empire?

When we get back to our monthly planetary journeys, you too can find your favorite planet in the SW Galaxy if you have a copy of the MAP! I have not yet found an online copy of it - but the month is young and one can hope. If you can find a copy of this magazine, and it has the map, BUY it! Or, you can subscribe to it through the official Star Wars fan club or contact the publisher at

I know that somewhere out there we can find a map of the Star Trek Universe - I just am not sure where to look - has anyone seen it??
