
Author: CL3 Fat Man

Peace, a word with a huge meaning for the whole world. Peace the Collins English Paperback Dictionary of 1995 says it means "stillness or silence, absence of mental anxiety, or the absence of war."

This Small 5 letter word could have an impact all over the world. With war looming in Iraq and North Korea, could we imagine the world if it were finally at peace. Since the end of world war 2 there was only 1 hour of peace around the world when no shots of war were fired, after the hour ended our world fell into a dismal continuance of violence. There were major wars that whole world knew about like Vietnam, Korea, Falklands and the Gulf and hidden wars like the civil wars of Africa. What would happen if our leaders learned how sit down and talk then all the wars of the world would come to cease.

If we could find it within ourselves to stop look and listen to our many different cultures that even frequent our chat rooms, and not like our leaders do which is run for our guns over the littlest of problems over oil and over money. We have it within ourselves to stop not let our fists become or weapons and let our tongues to do the talking for us to sort out any problems that we have. for war is an evil which only breeds war not peace, we can't go to war to keep the peace. That in itself is a contradiction.

We should Use all the meanings of Peace to help us become still or silent, forget any troubles that we have and have an absence of war around the world. Then we would have the time to overcome other problems that we have like illness or Ignorance and we would live in peace.

Peace: 5 letters - huge changes. Peace is differently not out but in!
