Logistics Update

Author: Its a mystery

Well, we've had a great year in Logistics this year! So many changes and additions. In April, we gained two valuable officers: Sidne and Robin, our Research Assistant/Help Desk Operator and Technical Assistant respectively. The Help Desk went online shortly thereafter. What wonderful timing! Later, at the end of June, Camila joined our ranks as a consultant. What a rockin' crew we had! Sadly, in August, our fearless leader, Jayne had to resign due to time commitments. We really miss her :(

We had to do some rearranging once Jayne left. Lucas stepped up as the Director, Sym as the Policies and Procedures Manager, and Camila as the Assistant Policies and Procedures Manager. Look out, cuz we're gonna be real big in the future!

We sure do appreciate our little staff! Our fearless leader, Veggie! His right hand, Bread! His other right hand, Fats! (we love you Cammie, really ;)) Our techie, Dairy! And the all-knowing (or one who directs people to other all-knowing people) Meat! And the departed Fruit!
