From the Editor

Author: CL7 Kali D'or
Department:The Tribune

Bravo!! Another year has come and gone at OTF and we are all still here together. Harry Kim pulled off a great New Years' celebration and a good time was had by all. We do hope that Harry and his New Years' Minions, assistants and helpers have all gotten lots of sleep and are back to as normal as they can be.

We are now moving on as the year begins with new projects, ideas and things to do to make OTF even better in 2003. Keep an eye on those crazy folks in the ENT Network, watch out - things are gonna happen in Alder Hill! I am sure the Engineering-type peeps are planning all sorts of good things and who knows (probably only Andrew) what Henri and InDev will come up with in the next 11 months.

Keep your eyes and ears open, tell us what you think - the Suggestion Box has been emptied out and needs a refill. Did you know we had 183 suggestions from mid-April, 2002 to 31 December, 2002? *write that down - it might be a trivia question some day*

Thats all for now - short and sweet for January *shuffles off looking for the nap she missed in October* See you back here In February!
