Fan Clubs

Author: CL4 Ricas Kibu

Title: How to make an R2 unit in nine easy steps. (Disclaimer: The number and difficulty of the steps will depend on the person)

Hey y'all!

This months Fan club to be reviewed is the R2 builders group, who's main site is found at There is also the forum through which the group communicates - it is a Yahoo site, and the address can be found at the previously mentioned url.

The site is dedicated to the construction of the R2 units, specifically R2D2, found in the Star Wars films. The site has links to other sites that tell you how to build other droids from the Star Wars films. One site shows you how to build C-3PO, so if you wanted to you could build both R2D2 and C-3PO.

People who use the site use the forum to ask and answer questions. This allows wannabe R2 owners to improve their designs. The site contains designs and suggestions for people who want to get started building their droids.

I aplogise if any of this information I give is wrong or out of date, but I'm working off memory to do this review, and also for the shortness of this review. This site seems to be relatively self explanatory. Have fun :)
