Entertainment Update

Author: Richard

Two Thousand and Two.
A year not to be forgotten easily.
Not only for RL events, but of course also for the events here, at the Outpost.
The launch of v2 in March.
The changing from a Public Updates Board to a Public Forum.
The revealing of what most likely was one of the biggest secrets in the history of OTF: Alder Hill. Our fantasy chat.
And just like the regular members of the Outpost saw many changes, so did the members of the Entertainment Network.

A turbulent year, to say the least. A year in which the Department, the Teams and most of the divisions all saw one (or more) leader leave and a new one take over.

A year in which we asked ourselves about the use of continuing a team, only to see it bounce back as never before a few months later. Truly a year of ups and downs, for just about every member of the Network.

Now we are here, with a new year before us.
Another year to have fun? Of course!
Another year to entertain? For Sure!
Another year of turmoil? I hope not.
Another year of change? Definitely.
Another year in which the members of the Entertainment Network will work their hardest,to come up with new ideas for sims, games and trivia's? To keep you all coming back to participate in our events? Most Certainly!

Positively, we ARE the Outposts Entertainment!
