Engineering Update

Author: Logan
Department:Sr. Manager, ENG

Well its been 4 months since the last Engineering speech - All my guys rock! Happy new year!

Seriously though, over the course of this year I think that it is safe to say that the Engineering Department has seen more change than any other in OTF. On top of the Engineering R&D merge we have seen three Senior Mangers, numerous staff reshuffles and structure changes. I think we are all pleased to be able to say that is over.

Engineering, over the past year has come along way and has continued to grow I am pleased to say. All teams are working towards making something bigger and better than before, I think that is a tribute to the Team Leaders and the skills and ability of the members of those teams more than anything else. After much planning and hard work, it always impresses me when it all begins to take shape.

With the New Year, we have new things on the horizon. Well, when I say new things, things from last year that are close to completion. The Downloads site now has a front end to it (thanks to LinDaX). It isn’t in place as yet, so don’t all go rushing to take a look. I’d give you a sneak peak of what to expect but I think Lin would kill me.

Speaking of Lin, her team is working on several Departmental and Team Home Pages and sites across OTF, you should begin to see those released soon. The ISA site should be first, there a few amusing bits that come with that, so watch out for it.

There are currently two teams working on making the login screen a little more user friendly and helpful too. I expects the updates to be released in stages, but I think everyone looking for a new look for themselves before they enter the chat room will be impressed.

Over the course of 2003, I expect that many projects will be released that will amaze us all. Seeing what is in the pipeline I am sure of it. Watch this space, I assure you, you will be using our projects more an more as the year goes on *s*

Take care into 2003, see you around.

