Did you know?

Author: CL4 Xemxija

Did you know that...

The yo-yo was used as a weapon in the Philippines around 1500?

It then was made of a four pound stone, which was attached to a 20 feet long rope. There were two ways the yo-yo would be used. When hunting, the rock would be thrown at the animal's legs causing the legs to tangle into the rope, and with a tug, the hunter would bring the animal down. When fighting enemies, the stones would be dropped on their heads; the stones were quickly recovered in case a second drop was needed.

The modern story of the yo-yo as we know it began in the 1920's with a man from the Philippines who moved to the USA. In the Philippines, carving and playing with wooden yo-yo's was a traditional pastime. The young man, who worked at a hotel, found that playing with his yo-yo during his lunch break drew quite a crowd and he decided to start a company to manufacture the toys, calling it Flores Yo-Yo Company. This was when the word yo-yo first came into use, yo-yo meaning come-come in the Filipino language of Tagalog.

The biggest yo-yo boom in history hit in 1962 and has been a best seller ever since. It has also been inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame.

And here follows some more facts you may or may not have known or did you know that...

...blue is the favourite colour of 80% of Americans.
...besides Star Trek, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, James Doohan, George Takei have all appeared at one time or another on The Twilight Zone.
...in New York City, approximately 1600 people are bitten by other humans every year.
...Pernilla August first movie was "Giliap"
...one billion seconds is about 32 years.
...Qui-Gon Jinn had 2 padwan learners previous to Obi-Wan.
...only 11 registered members at OTF have a screen name that start with a Q.
...the three wealthiest families in the world have more assets than the combined wealth of the forty-eight poorest nations.
...Mr. Spock's blood type was T-Negative.
...a full seven percent of the entire Irish barley crop goes to the production of Guinness beer. (Wooohooo!!)
...the Jedi order was first founded as a philosophical study group.
...according to Scandinavian traditions, if a boy and girl eat from the same loaf of bread, they are bound to fall in love.
...there are 52 Fantasy affiliated members at OTF.
...someone on Earth reports seeing a UFO every three minutes
...Gates McFadden's birth-given name is Cheryl.
...celery contains negative calories.
...Katelyn Richards is the only CL4 that is fantasy affiliated at OTF.
